An audit is generally undertaken with an objective of providing reasonable assurance that the financial statements give a true and fair view in accordance with the financial reporting framework. In India an audit is carried out in line with the guidelines laid down by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in India and generally accepted audit and assurance principles.

However, with the complexity in modern business approach, an audit goes beyond achieving statutory objectives. It gives a birds-eye view of the performance of an entity, identifies potential risks and loopholes which need to be addressed to help achieve the organization’s goals.

Our audit and assurance services are aimed at minimizing the possibility of fraud and error, to be used as tool for improving investor confidence and also to help the management take better business decisions and strengthen the existing governance policies.

Our approach is based on the belief that robust, independent audits identify the root causes of accounting issues and deliver tailored and effective recommendations. As part of our process, we take the time to understand an entity’s business, including its profit drivers and key risks. During the audit, our clients consistently deal with the same team members, and are kept up to date with ongoing developments. We are fiercely independent. Our team has deep experience in all aspects of audit and assurance and have a strong track record in undertaking varied types of assignments.

What can we offer you?
  • Statutory Audit
  • Bank Audit
  • PSU Audit
  • Information System Audits
  • Concurrent Audits
  • Stock Audits
  • Tax Audits
  • GST Audit
  • GST Consultancy
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